Search & Print Service

We can search the following indexes and databases and print off selected information

  • 1851 Census of Wakefield District
  • 1841 Census of Wakefield City
  • Ossett Censuses for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1891
  • 1813 – 1837 Marriage Index for Wakefield
  • Featherstone Cemetery Records
  • Members’ Interests
  • IGI Index (1992) for Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Berkshire, Staffordshire

1851 Census Index for Wakefield
This is a composite of all 40 indexes published by the Society. They cover the whole of the Wakefield Metropolitan District area, approx 70,000 names

  • Search fee for all likely matches. Please state full name(s) £2.00 per name (plus postage)

If you want a search for a one-name study, or if you want a search for several surnames, which could involve the printing of a large number of pages, you may prefer to use the form in the enquiry section of the website or write (please enclose sae) for an estimate first.

1841 Census Index for Wakefield
This is a transcription project still under way. (approx 15,000 names). The index available to date covers the area of Wakefield City, including the Prison, the Workhouse and the Pauper Lunatic Asylum.

  • Search fee for all likely matches. Please state full name(s) £2.00 per name (plus postage)

If you want a search for a one-name study, or if you want a search for several surnames, which could involve the printing of a large number of pages, you may prefer to use the form in the enquiry section of the website or write (please enclose sae) for an estimate first.

Ossett Census Indexes 1841 / 1851 / 1861 / 1871 / 1891
The indexes for Ossett have been compiled by two members of the Society and given to the Society for use in this Search and Print service. We are grateful to Brian Smith for the 1841, 1861 and 1891 data and to Geoff Squires for the 1871 data.

  • Search fee for each census searched for each surname £2.00 per name (plus postage)
  • for each household (as enumerated) £1.00 per name (plus postage)

Please give as much information as you can. If you require a multiple search you may negotiate a price beforehand. Please use the form in the enquiry section of the website or write (please enclose sae) for an estimate first.

1813 – 1837 Marriage Index for Wakefield
This covers the whole of Wakefield Metropolitan District plus the remaining parts of the parishes of Dewsbury, Thornhill, Felkirk and Royston outside the Wakefield District.

This database includes all the Parishes in the Society’s area with about 30,000 names. 1813 to 1837 is often a difficult period for researchers, covering the time just prior to Registration of B,M,Ds The database can be searched in either the bride’s name or the groom’s name.

  • Search fees for one specific marriage £1.00 (plus postage)
  • for all instances of one surname from either the database of brides
    or the database of grooms £2.00 per name (plus postage)
  • for all instances of one surname from both databases £4.00 (plus postage)

Featherstone Cemetery Records
A database, not published, of all persons buried in Featherstone Cemetery from the first burial in September 1874 up to August 2003. (approx 15,000 names). The index has been compiled by Jeff Townend and Tony Lumb and it is now available for search by the Society.

  • Search for one person £1.00
  • All entries for one surname £2.00

Members’ Interests
Search fee per surname. Please state surname(s) required £2.00 (plus postage).
Printout will list names, addresses and emails of members researching the specified surname(s)

IGI (1992) Yorkshire, Berksire, Lincolnshire and Staffordshire
Search fee for one name and one county, up to four pages £2.00 (plus postage)
An estimate will be sent if printout covers more than four pages.
Please state surname and county to be searched



  • U.K. 50p
  • OVERSEAS £1.50 or three IRCs


  • Sterling only please. Please make payable to: Wakefield & District FHS

For Cost Estimates

  • Complete the form in the enquiry section of the website
  • or email the Search & Print Service via the Contact Page
  • or write to Dave Bradley at address below

Send your order to

  • Dave Bradley, 6 Woolgreaves Croft, Sandal Wakefield, WF26DU

If you are not sure what to order please email the Search & Print Service via the Contact Page.