The Society has a large collection of photographs which are available for purchase.
You can view the pictures by clicking here, and following these instructions.
Click on the category you want to view e.g. Churches.
Click on the area you want to view e.g. Alverthorpe.
All the photographs for that area will be displayed, click a photo to enlarge it.
To order photographs
Print the Order Form by wfhs photos order form
Complete the form with your details
List the photos you require using the order numbers displayed beneath each photo
Enclose a cheque or postal order payable to: Wakefield & District FHS (sterling only)
Send this to WDFHS Photos Address
Photographs (6in x 4in) cost £1-20 each plus postage and packaging as shown below:
Postage and Packaging charges:
UK Customers:
For all orders of between 1 and 16 photographs please add £1.50 to your order.
Overseas customers:
For all orders of between 1 and 16 photographs please add £4.00 to your order.
UK and Overseas Customers if you require more than 16 photographs please email your requirements for an immediate quote.
An alternative method of purchase and one which will prevent the need for postage is by electronic transfer. Just pay £1.20 per photograph by one of the methods shown above and your photos will be sent to you as attachments to email. Please clearly mark your order transfer by email